Wie soeben bekannt wurde, ist die Weltmeisterschaft der Zauberkunst auf 2022 in Quebec City verschoben worden!
July 25th to 30thst 2022
City: Quebec City,
Canada Website: www.fismquebec2021.com
Email: info@fismquebec2021.com
Information auf Englisch:
Due to the various events that affected our lives in relation to the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) including the fact that several of the continental qualifications could not take place in 2020, the organizers of the FISM WCM in Quebec along with FISM International, have made the decision to DELAY THE FISM WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP UNTIL JULY 25 – 30, 2022 .
This decision was made:
To allow the organizers to hold the FISM continental qualifications a year before FISM;
Because we hope that the travel conditions will be optimal again at that time;
Because we want all magicians to feel safe during their stay in Quebec City;
Because we want to offer an event that meets the expectations of all participants;
We invite you to visit our website for further information.
In addition, we are renegotiating the hotel rates. Some of them have already adjusted their offers and some are still checking the possibilities. If you have already booked your hotel, we recommend that you contact them directly to modify your dates.
We hope to welcome you in Quebec City in July 2022 and if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at info@fismquebec2021.com.
We thank you for your understanding.
The Organizing Committee FISM WCM Québec 2022